Oakville Taxidermy knows and understands how important it is for you to choose a qualified and reputable taxidermist to preserve your hard earned hunting trophies. Attention to detail is what separates us as an Ontario Taxidermy from the rest. The quality we offer really brings your trophy back to life.
For over 15 years, I (Mark Lee) have been working on all types of game; North American, African, Bird, Fish, and Exotics which have all passed through our Ontario Taxidermy location. I pride myself on offering the best taxidermy service in Ontario. As a hunter I know the work involved in taking a trophy animal; your first, your biggest, your most remembered hunt – whatever trophy means to you. Because of this you can rely on me to create the same quality mount for your home or office that I would showcase in my own. Every mount, base and habitat you see on this website has been hand crafted by myself, owner and operator of Oakville Taxidermy. If you like what you see, feel free to give me a call or email.
Good Hunting
Mark Lee